5 Fitness Myths Which Are Harmful to Your Health
A daily exercise routine to keep that body fit and healthy is extremely beneficial. People without trainers and diet plans tend to rely on the internet as a guide throughout their journey.
The internet has proved valuable; however, it is still not safe to believe everything you read on the web.
Myths about fitness, personal hygiene, and heath circulate vastly on the web daily, and it should be noted that a large portion of them is false. Applying some unauthentic myths can be harmful to your health.
This article will unveil five believed but false fitness myths that have an unhealthy take on health.
1. ‘It is fine to skip working out for some weeks, you will remain in shape’:
It is usually recommended to take a few days off from working out if you feel the need to; it is better than taking weeks off, which will loosen up your muscles and, most importantly, your stamina! Taking weeks off can also result in feeling massive laziness.
You can cut down the time of exercising everyday or exercise in intervals. It will keep your body in action and activity.

2. ‘Energy drinks are better to keep yourself hydrated during workout.’
Don’t fool yourself; energy drinks are a mixture of sugar, water, and flavour; they will never provide you with the same level of hydration and advantages as water does. Also, the consumption of a lot of energy drinks is not good at all.
If you prefer a tint of flavour during exercise, make a fruity smoothie. It is healthy and tasty.
3. ‘You can lose weight fast.’
It is important to understand that there is no such thing as losing weight ‘fast’. Losing weight entirely depends on how much you keep your diet balanced, mind fresh, and burn calories.
In the rush and void to lose weight, people often begin to spend more time at the gym and extraordinarily push themselves into work out. Studies have shown that one of the important factors of working out is not to exaggerate or overdo it.
Give your best and keep your exercises limited. Don’t be hard on yourself; your body has been through a lot, and you cannot just ask its history to vanish from it. It will take time and patience.
4. ‘Running will damage your knees and ankles.’
Joint pain after running is absolutely common, and it is because your muscles widen while working out. However, you should not run or work out for months if you have had a new knee or ankle surgery.
It is a known and acknowledged fact that running makes your knees and ankles much stronger. It might hurt in the beginning days, but your body will soon get ahead of it.
5. ‘Running or jogging in a treadmill is better than running out in the air.’
This myth holds no truth to itself. It is a known and proven fact that running against fresh air rather than running on a treadmill under a roof is way more beneficial and recommended by fitness experts.
A recent study showed that running against air burns 10% more calories than running on a treadmill. It lets your groups of muscles work better and effectively.

Keep your exercises healthy by consuming useful nutrients. Always consult a fitness expert or a trainer before applying any myths to your routine.